2008年8月22日 星期五


兒童教育論壇 - 兒童英語圖書館
*  * 
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* A *
001.  A Big Cheese For The White House
002.  A Collection Of Poems About Animals From Singapore
003.  A Day Out / My Car / Going Out (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
004.  A Fishy Tale
005.  A froggy fable
006.  A Piece of Cake
007.  About Birds, A Guide for Children
008.  Alice The Fairy
009.  All Things Bright And Beautiful
010.  Along Comes Jake / Goodbye Lucy (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
011.  Animal Books
012.  Animal Counting – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
013.  Animalia (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
014.  Aska’s Animals (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
* B *
015.  Baby Brain
016.  Baby Duck's New Friend
017.  Baby Sister Says No
018.  Back to School Cool!
019.  Bathtime For Biscuit
020.  Beach Day - 國外繪本名家的童書
021.  Beach Day (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
022.  Bear and Roly-Poly
023.  Beauty and the Beast (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
024.  Bedtime Stories - for busy parents
025.  Bedtime-Stories
026.  Best Things About Valentines
027.  Big and Small Shapes - 兩本可愛的小書
028.  Bigger or Smaller - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
029.  Bigger or Smaller - 好多優秀中外童書
030.  Billy Bear's 系列之一 : Personalized Storybooks (flash)
031.  Biscuit Finds a Friend
032.  Biscuit's Snowy Day
033.  Bunny Trouble (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
034.  Bunny Trouble
* C *
035.  Carl’s Birthday - 國外繪本名家的童書
036.  Cathedral Mouse (Age 4-7) - 國外繪本名家的童書
037.  Christmas Coloring Book
038.  Ciconia Ciconia
039.  Cloudy Day Sunny Day Baker – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
040.  Come Play With Me
041.  Copy Me Copy Cub
042.  Corduroys Easter Party
043.  Country Bear's Good Neighbor
044.  Crayon Emergent Reader Book - 再來兩本適合幼兒的小書
045.  Cry Baby Moon (pdf)
046.  Cupid and Psyche (Age 9-12) - 國外繪本名家的童書
* D *
047.  Disney Baby系列:Baby Mickey Plays Hide and Seek (pdf)
048.  Disney Magic English Book (《迪士尼神奇英語》的配套用書三本) - 好多優秀中外童書
049.  Dog and Cat (flipbook)
050.  Dog and Cat
051.  Dolly and Molly at the Seashore
052.  Dr. Seuss : The cat in the hat (自製書)
053.  Dr. Seuss系列  Dr Seuss_Wacky Wednesday
054.  Dr.Seuss的書: Dr.Seuss's ABC (jpg)
055.  Dr.Seuss的書: Fox in Socks (jpg)
056.  Dr.Seuss的書: Green eggs and ham (jpg)
057.  Dr.Seuss的書: How the Grinch stole Christmas (jpg)
058.  Dr.Seuss的書: Oh the place you'll go (jpg)
059.  Dr.Seuss的書: Oh the thinks you can think (jpg)
060.  Dr.Seuss的書: Oh,Say can you say? (jpg)
061.  Dr.Seuss的書: One fish two fish (jpg)
062.  Dr.Seuss的書: The tooth book (jpg)
063.  Dr.Seuss的書: There's wocket in my pocket (jpg)
064.  Dr.Seuss的書: Would you rather be a Bullfrog (jpg)
065.  Dunk Skunk
* E *
066.  Each Peach Pear Plum (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
067.  Eat Up! (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
068.  Eeeek! Look At This! - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
069.  Eeek! Look At This - 好多優秀中外童書
070.  Elinda Who Dances In The Sky (flipbook)
071.  Eric Carle 的 Brown Bear 和 Polar Bear
072.  Eric the Engine / Magic Spell (Flash)
073.  Everyone Poops
* F *
074.  Fairy
075.  Falling For Rapunzel
076.  Farm Yard ABC
077.  Five Little Ducks - An Old Rhyme (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
078.  Five Little Ducks - An Old Rhyme (Age Baby-Preschool) (ppt with audio) - 國外繪本名家的童書
079.  Five Little Pumpkins (Mini Books) - 孩子喜歡的圖畫書
080.  Five Minutes Peace
081.  Flower Garden - 國外繪本名家的童書
082.  Flower Garden (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
083.  Flower Garden (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
084.  Franklin 小烏龜學美語自製書
085.  Franklin's School Play (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
086.  Franklin's Valentines (jpg)
087.  Frog And Dog
088.  Frog and Toad -- 原版童書, 電子書 (14 books)
089.  Frog And Toad Are Friends
090.  Frog On His Own - 國外繪本名家的童書
091.  Frog Went A-Courtin'  - 國外繪本名家的童書
092.  Frogs Sing Songs (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
093.  From Head To Toe
094.  Fruits (Mini Books) - 孩子喜歡的圖畫書
* G *
095.  Gator Gumbo
096.  Gingerbread Mouse
097.  Go Car Go (Mini Books) - 孩子喜歡的圖畫書
098.  Going Downtown (jpg)
099.  Going downtown
100.  Goldie is mad -- 原版童書, 電子書
101.  Good Night Moon
102.  Grassroots (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
103.  Guess How Much I Love You 中英文版本
* H *
104.  Hailstones and Halibut Bones (Adventures in Color) - 國外繪本名家的童書
105.  Hansel and Gretel - 國外繪本名家的童書
106.  Hats / There's No One Like Me! (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
107.  Heart Emergent Reader Book - 再來兩本適合幼兒的小書
108.  High Frequency Readers - Kittens (JPG)
109.  High Frequency Readers - Look! (JPG)
110.  High Frequency Readers - The Band (JPG)
111.  High Frequency Readers - We Can Go! (JPG)
112.  High Frequency Readers - We Like To Play! (JPG)
113.  Horibble Screaning Monst
114.  House by the Woods
115.  How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight
116.  How Far Will I Fly
117.  How Giraffe Got Such A Long Neck
118.  Hush Little Baby (兩個版本)
* I *
119.  I Can Jump / I Like To Eat (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
120.  I Have a Home / Wake Up, Mum! (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
121.  I Like Cars - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
122.  I Love My Family
123.  I Love My Potty (jpg)
124.  I Want a Pet (悅悅的英文家書)
125.  I Will Never NOT EVER Eat a Tomato (jpg) (Age 4-8)
126.  If you are happy and you know it
127.  If You Take a Mouse to School (jpg) (Age 4-8)
128.  In A House Is Not A Home
129.  In A Pumpkin Shell
130.  It takes a village
* J *
131.  Jack and the Bean Stalk (濃縮版本)
132.  Jumping Shoes (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
133.  June 29, 1999 - 國外繪本名家的童書
134.  June 29, 1999 (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
135.  Just Ducky - 國外繪本名家的童書
136.  Just Ducky (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
137.  Just Ducky (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
138.  Just Ducky
139.  Just Ducky
140.  Just Mommy and Me
* K *
141.  King Of The Cats
* L *
142.  Let's Jump in (All-Star Readers: Level 1) (Age 4-8)
143.  Like A Windy Day - 國外繪本名家的童書
144.  Like A Windy Day (Flipbook by 飛雪)
145.  Like A Windy Day (html) - 國外繪本名家的童書
146.  Like A Windy Day (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
147.  Lisi And The Kittens
148.  Little Red Riding Hood (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
149.  Little wild flower and Elarhu the clown (jpg)
150.  LittleFox--story--Let‘s Talk--Hanas Album (flash)
151.  LittleFox中story的一個分類---Phonics全套FLASH
* M *
152.  Maisy's Rainbow Dream
153.  Maisy系列 : Doctor Maisy
154.  Maisy系列 : Maisy makes gingerbread
155.  Maisy系列 : Maisy makes lemonade
156.  Maisy系列 : Maisy's morning on the farm
157.  Making A Memory
158.  Mama and Papa have a store (flipbook)
159.  Marc Brown - Arthur's Nose -- 原版童書, 電子書
160.  Me and my place in space.
161.  Mercy Watson -- 原版童書, 電子書
162.  Milly and Molly help the animals (寶寶的家制書)
163.  Miss Rumphius (jpg+flash) - 國外繪本名家的童書
164.  Mole and the Baby Bird - 國外繪本名家的童書
165.  Mole and the Baby Bird (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
166.  Mole and the Baby Bird (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
167.  Mole And The Baby Bird
168.  My baby brother (Little Fox) – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
169.  My big boy POTTY -- 原版童書, 電子書
170.  My Cat Muffin
171.  My Day in the Garden - 國外繪本名家的童書
172.  My Grandma Lived in Gooligulch - 國外繪本名家的童書
173.  My_first_words雙語有聲書
* N *
174.  Never Let Your Cat Make Lunch for You. (jpg)
175.  Nice and Nasty
176.  No Jumping On The Bed
177.  Noah and the Devil: A Legend of Noah's Ark from Romania (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
178.  Nobody’s Dog – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
179.  Nobody's Dog (flipbook by monkeysm) (Age 0-6)
* O *
180.  On My Island - 國外繪本名家的童書
181.  On My Island
182.  On The Go (jpg) (Age 4 and above)
183.  On your potty (圖畫書的short film)
184.  One for you and one for me!!  ~ by kipi  (jpg)
185.  One Wide Sky: A Bedtime Lullaby (Age Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
186.  One Wide Sky
187.  One Witch (jpg + Flipbook)
188.  Our Street - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
189.  Our Street - 好多優秀中外童書
190.  Owl Babies - 國外繪本名家的童書
191.  Owl Moon (jpg) (Age 7 and above)
192.  Oxford Reading Tree-The Haircut
* P *
193.  Pajamas
194.  Penguin Post
195.  Peter Rabbit 系列
196.  Pete's A Pizza
197.  Picnic (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
198.  Pigs, Pigs, Pigs (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
199.  Pigsty - 國外繪本名家的童書
200.  Pigsty (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
201.  Pigsty (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
202.  Prayer For A Child
203.  Puppy Too Small - 國外繪本名家的童書
204.  Puppy Too Small (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
205.  Puppy Too Small (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
* Q *
* R *
206.  Rapunzel - 國外繪本名家的童書
207.  Raz-Kids Samples 讀,聽,考的故事 (flash)
208.  Reading discovery - I Like Shapes (jpg) (Age 2 above)
209.  Reading discovery - What is Big?  (jpg) (Age 2 above)
210.  Richard Scarry : A Day at the Fire Station
211.  Richard Scarry : The Best Mistake Ever!And Other Stories
212.  Robert Munsch Storytimes
213.  Rumpelstiltskin - 國外繪本名家的童書
* S *
214.  Safety in Traffic (jpg)
215.  Sea Horse
216.  Sector 7 - 國外繪本名家的童書
217.  Shadow (Age 9-12) - 國外繪本名家的童書
218.  Shadow
219.  SHAPES,小熊教寶寶學習形狀的書 (jpg)
220.  Sight and Scenes (flipbook)
221.  Silly Wiilly
222.  Silly Willy's Hat Trick
223.  So Say The Little Monkeys (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
224.  Some Smug Slug
225.  Something From Nothing - 國外繪本名家的童書
226.  Spider - 好多優秀中外童書
227.  Spider! Spider! - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
228.  Spring Is Here (Ages 2 yrs onward) (flipbook by monkeysm)
229.  Spring Is Here (Ages 2 yrs onward)
230.  Squeal & Squawk
231.  Start reading -- Mystery tour (PDF)
232.  Sugar and Spice
233.  Sun Fight (flipbook)
* T *
234.  Tales from Acorn Wood: Postman Bear
235.  Taming the Taniwha (flipbook)
236.  Teeth Tails And Tentacles : An Animal Counting Book
237.  Tell Me a Season (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
238.  Tess's tree/the eyebrow story/benty
239.  The Apple and The Worm - 兩本可愛的小書
240.  The Best Easter Basket Ever
241.  The Best Easter Eggs Ever
242.  The blue sky(藍天)
243.  The Boy And The Apple Tree
244.  The Cabbage Soup Solution (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
245.  The Cabbage Soup
246.  The Cat Woman and the Spinning Wheel
247.  The Christmas Club
248.  The Christmas Tree Ship
249.  The colors (Flipbook by 飛雪)
250.  The Day It Rained Hearts (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
251.  The First Well
252.  The Giant (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
253.  The Green Frog (ppt) - 國外繪本名家的童書
254.  The Green Frogs - 國外繪本名家的童書
255.  The Green Frogs
256.  The Honey Bunny
257.  The Hungry Caterpillar 饑餓的毛毛蟲(老師講中文、英文故事)
258.  The itsy bitsy spider -- 原版童書, 電子書
259.  The Lonely Lioness and the Ostrich Chicks (Stepping Stone Books) (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
260.  The Magic Nesting Doll - 國外繪本名家的童書
261.  The Mandarin Ducks - 國外繪本名家的童書
262.  The Monkey People
263.  The Night Before Valentines Day
264.  The Owl and the Pussycat (Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
265.  The Paperboy (jpg) (Age 5 and above)
266.  The Paradise Garden - 國外繪本名家的童書
267.  The Popcorn Dragon
268.  The Rainbow Fish
269.  The river that gave gifts
270.  The Snow Princess (Age 9-12) - 國外繪本名家的童書
271.  The Snow Princess
272.  The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Audio + Ebook)
273.  The Taxi - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
274.  The Taxi - 好多優秀中外童書
275.  The Thingumajig Book Of Manners
276.  The Three Little Wolves And The Big Bad Pig
277.  The Train Ride
278.  The Twelve Days of Christmas
279.  The Weaving of a Dream: A Chinese Folktale (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
280.  The Whole Night Through: A Lullaby (Age Baby-Prescholl) - 國外繪本名家的童書
281.  The Woodcutter’s Mitten Baker – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
282.  There was an old lady who swallow a fly (jpg)
283.  There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly (flipbook)
284.  There was an old woman who swallowed a fly
285.  There's an Alligator Under My Bed (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
286.  There's an Alligator Under My Bed (Age 4-8) (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
287.  There's an alligator under my bed (Flipbook by 飛雪)
288.  Things I Like About Grandma (flipbook)
289.  This Little Chick (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
290.  Toot & Puddle: Charming Opal (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
291.  Tuesday (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
292.  Tumble Bumble (pdf) (Age 4-8)
293.  Tumblesbooks -  有聲動畫版flash-美國圖書館後花園 by 別問我是誰
294.  Tumblesbooks - 巨好英文幼兒故事書連載  by yu0099
295.  Tumblesbooks - 真人正統美語發音動畫版電子書就像看卡通一樣
296.  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
297.  Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
* U *
298.  Uncle Buncle's House / Be Careful, Matthew! (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
299.  Up Went the Goat(PPT, 悅悅的英文家書2)
* V *
300.  Verdi (綠笛)by Janell Cannon
301.  Visiting Singapore (jpg)
* W *
302.  We do everything together – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
303.  What Do You Hear
304.  What Do You Say When a Monkey Acts This Way?
305.  What Do You See
306.  What Mommies And Daddies Do Best,等等
307.  What Would You Like? (words only) - 親子閱讀 / 家庭閱讀計畫
308.  What's the Time, Grandma Wolf?  (pp with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
309.  What's the Time, Grandma Wolf? - 國外繪本名家的童書
310.  When the Elephant Walks  - 孩子喜歡的圖畫書
311.  When The Wind Stops (Ppt Version, Doman Style) – 親子閱讀 / 電子圖畫書庫
312.  Where Are You Going, Manyoni? (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
313.  Where Have You Been? (Age Baby-Preschool) - 國外繪本名家的童書
314.  Where Have You Been? (ppt with audio by tz) - 國外繪本名家的童書
315.  Where’s My Share? - 國外繪本名家的童書
316.  Where’s My Share? (ppt with audio) - 國外繪本名家的童書
317.  Whose cat is that (jpg)
318.  Whose Cat Is That
319.  Whose Cat Is That
320.  Wind Child (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
321.  Winnie in Winter (Age 4-8) - 國外繪本名家的童書
322.  Winnie The Pooh 小熊維尼雙語雜誌(05.01.)
* X Y Z *
323.  Yo! Yes?
324.  YUM -- 原版童書, 電子書
* Miscellaneous *
325.  一個英文兒童故事 -- 皮得.康頓和大貓亨特
326.  一年四季 - Winter, Spring  (ppt with audio)
327.  上海版牛津英語 1A,2A 下載
328.  世界名著(英漢對照)CHM版
329.  介紹一個音訊網站, 英文故事
330.  伊朗繪本
331.  可列印的故事書 (Between the Lions stories)
332.  可列印的簡讀英文書. (many mini stories)
333.  聽Robert Munsch繪聲繪色地講故事
334.  線上看的兒童電子有聲書
335.  好聽的故事 (長期 Mofile 下載) by susanna97
336.  小小故事
337.  新概念英語E書下載(5.8M)
338.  無字書 - Free Fall
339.  來幾個英文小故事 (8 miini stories)
340.  洪恩巴迪節拍英語、洪恩英文童謠文本(word)
341.  洪恩語法  --  E書一本,一本E書
342.  胡蘿蔔種子.mp3下載, Plenty of Audio Stories
343.  英文有聲故事書(lotusleaf’s audio stories)
344.  英文讀物 (女兒的英文翻譯練習)
345.  英語有聲FLASH書
346.  英語閱讀角 (兒童英文小說連載)
347.  莎士比亞全集中英文版
348.  讀故事,塗色,也玩遊戲 (10 books)

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